An organization’s intellectual property, may it be patent, trade secret or simply some kind of workers’ know-how, could be the greatest asset a company has. It can even more important than the physical ones.
Safety experts should be able to discern the party trying to get the information from your company. Below are the basics of securing your company’s Intellectual Property (IP)
Recognize company’s IP.
When the employees recognize what they need to secure, they can better know how to secure it and from whom they have to protect it. For that to happen, Chief Security Officers (CSO) need to consistently be in touch with the people commanding the intellectual capital who are mainly from the executives. On a regular basis, the CSOs should communicate with the Chief Executive Officer, Chief Operating Officer and representatives from Human Resource, Marketing, Sales, Legal Services, and Production. Collaborative administration is crucial in securing intellectual property.
Set priorities.
An intellectual property law firm can help protecting the IP of a particular company. CSOs who have been doing security checks for IPs are suggesting to analyze risks and cost benefits. The first thing to do is to create a map listed with company’s assets. After that, you have to determine each significance and analyze how it would likely hurt the company if a certain information is lost. Upon doing so, you’ll get familiar with what is probably most at risk to be stolen. These procedures shall help you figure out where you need to best spend your security investments, including efforts and finances.
Consider labeling.
If an information is confidential, consider putting a label on it that says so. If you’ll look at it, it’s seems meaningless at first. However, when time comes you have to prove to court that someone has taken the information they aren’t authorized to, your statement would not stand if you weren’t able to demonstrate in the first place that a certain information was under protection.
Protect databases.
Lock the bases where sensitive information are stored. Utilize passwords and limit people who can can access the room. Authorize employees who can enter and keep track of who has the keys.
Know your tools.
There are various software tools available for tracking documents and other IP stores. Data loss prevention (DLP) tools are now a crucial component of many security suites. It doesn’t only locate sensitive documents, it also keeps track of how data are being used and by whom.
Take a big picture view.
If someone is scanning the internal network and your intrusion detection system goes off, somebody from IT typically calls the employee who’s doing the scanning and tells him to stop. The employee offers a plausible explanation, and that’s the end of it.
Time and time again, the HR group, the audit group, the staff’s colleagues, and others have already noticed isolated incidents. However, nobody puts them together and realizes that all these breaches were perpetrated by the same person. This is the reason why communication gaps among corporate security groups and infosecurity can be so dangerous. More important than anything else, IP protection needs connections and communication between the corporate functions. The legal department has to play a role in IP protection and the same goes with human resources, IT, R&D, engineering, graphic design and so on.
Conduct some counterintelligence techniques.
If you were spying on your own company, how would you do it? Thinking through such strategies will lead you to think about protecting phone lists, shredding the papers in the recycling bins, convening an internal council to approve your R&D scientists’ publications, or other ideas that may prove worthwhile for your specific business.
Contemplate globally.
For a length, different countries have developed reputations as places where industrial infiltration is widely accepted. Even more, some are encouraging this in order to promote their economy. Many other countries, on the other hand, are worse. The Corruption Perceptions Index published per year by Transparency International is a good resource to evaluate the threats of doing business in different parts of the world. In 20167 the Corruption Perceptions Index ranked the following 12 countries as being “perceived as most corrupt”: New Zealand, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Switzerland, Singapore, Sweden, Canada, Luxembourg, Netherlands, United Kingdom and Germany.
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