Identifying target audience or users is important when considering mobile app development on which depends overall success of the software and the ability of problem solving provided by the app. Simple analysis of the users choice against smartphones would tap into their behaviour, habits and personality. Whether someone prefers iOS platform or Android, the option can inform you about the type of applications they’d download, their willingness towards the paid versions and likelihood of in-app purchases.
Leveraging all these details is significantly important in taking informed decisions about the platform on which to create the app as well as helps in understanding different contexts that are likely to affect the application’s performance between each of the Operating System (OS). The details below would help you in understanding key differences between iOS and Android devices, demographics (age of the people who’re willing to use any of these OS), possible fluctuation among both platforms against success metrics and overall impact of the app on different users.
Device capability differences
Another fact worth remembering is of users who see their smart devices in a very personal way but, there does exists key differences between both iOS and Android impacting overall user experience as well as become an influential factor of a user choosing either of the two devices
Taking Apple Inc, the firm abides by stricter app submission regulations, push notifications as well as system update timeframes. Loyal users of Apple expect consistent experience on every iOS device as well as with the simplicity of updates as they land. A typical iOS user always prefers a smartphone to be spontaneous and straightforward.
On the contrary, Android applications and their descriptions are expected to free submission and update where user experience tends to be customisable, that’s specific with every Android device user. Upon asking users of each OS, they’re likely to give a specific answer of their wants from every device.
User demographics
When market share’s a concern, Android stalls the limelight occupying nearly two-thirds of the market. It holds a prominent position in lower income areas as well as among the swift developing nations. A common observation of iOS users reveals larger incomes and greater education/literacy level in comparison. In-app engagement is much higher among the iOS users as well as their willingness to invest more in the apps than Android.
A poll of approximately 16,000 smartphone users also concluded that 67% iOS users are likely to have annual household income of $200k and above. In case of Android, almost 24% have the annual household earnings between $50k and $100k. Likewise, iOS users are 38% more likely to hold a graduate degree whereas 80% Android users only have a high-school diploma. These stats however tend to vary between countries and per families.
Character/personality influence
It’s interesting to note that Android users tend to be more reserved or introvert as compared to the extrovert-type iOS users. Leadership traits are more prominent in iOS users as well as their tendency to spend money as compared to Android personnel who exhibit higher levels of honesty and humility, being more comfortable as followers.
Mobile application development in Dubai and around the world is definitely influence by user behaviour and engagement, catering to every individual with perfection.